Updates to this page may continue to be infrequent, as we are in a season of mostly waiting. The Hanover Zoning Board voted last spring to deny reconsideration of the restrictive conditions placed on our approval to build a church building. Prior to this, one of the abutters who opposes the project had filed an appeal against the town’s decision with the Grafton County Superior Court. After 2.5 years of working hard to resolve our building approvals at the town level, this was certainly disappointing. Since then, we have made arrangements to defend this case in court, and have also submitted an appeal concerning the occupancy and hours restrictions.
The next phase of this process is likely to be long. There are months between various document submissions and an eventual hearing, at which point a judge will review the full record of the case and assess the ZBA’s decisions.
We continue to simply and respectfully believe that this church on Greensboro Road is good for CRC and its vision, and that it will have a positive impact on the community.