Greensboro Road Project

Project Update #1

This building project – how we walk through the experience as a church family as well as the actual design decisions made – flows out of the vision and character of Christ Redeemer Church. To this end, the building committee is working under the elders, alongside our architects (Bread Loaf design-build firm), and with input from the congregation. This is a long and careful process, balancing financial planning, Hanover zoning regulations, site & building design, and communication with the congregation.

Where We Have Been

After years of looking and praying, CRC purchased a parcel of land on Greensboro Road in Hanover in the Spring of 2017.  Since then, the building committee has worked with our design firm and focused on two major tasks: understanding the physical features of the property in order to establish a site plan, and developing a preliminary design. In working towards a preliminary design, the committee considered the feel and character that the building should reflect, as well as analyzed the current ministries of CRC to understand what functions the building will need to support.

Both of these tasks need to be well underway in order for us to begin the approval process with the Hanover Planning and Zoning Boards, as well as begin to solicit broader congregation input into the building.

Where We Are Now

The building committee has established a site plan (locations of building, parking & driveway) as well as basic building footprint and design. We have been listening to input and priorities from the elders and congregation along the way, and have now begun a more formal process of sharing the design process and results through congregation meetings in October, November, and December, along with Sunday morning announcements and this website. Our hope is to share clearly and hear questions and responses from the congregation.

Where We Are Headed

We are early on in a long process, having done much praying, thinking & planning, but with much more to come. Within the next few months, we will begin the complex approval process to obtain permission to build. This could take 9+ months. Throughout this time, we will continue to solicit input on the details of the building design. We hope to begin construction in Spring of 2019.

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