Congregational Meeting Review
Thank you to all who joined us on Monday night for the second in our three-part fall meeting series about the Greensboro Road project! The goal of these gatherings is three-fold: to communicate clearly the vision behind and the process of the proposed building project, hear questions and responses from the congregation, and pray together.
This week, we heard from Pastor Don Willeman some background on how we make decisions as a church family, and factors the elders have considered in moving forward with this building project. Then, Lindsay Whaley and Noah Crane shared on behalf of the building committee. Lindsay gave an update on the initial steps in the process of obtaining permission to build in Hanover, and Noah shared the story of the building design. We also heard a number of helpful questions and comments from CRC members. Short summaries of these talks are below, and we are all happy to talk more with any of you who were not able to be there.