
Greensboro Road Project, Meetings

Second Zoning Decision, Congregational Meeting Update

You’ll recall from the last Project Update that we were awaiting a rehearing our on “Church Use” Special Exception.  In March, after another marathon hearing and then two deliberative sessions, the board voted unanimously to “approve” our project but gave us some very problematic restrictions. Firstly, the board limited our occupancy on the site (not just the building

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Greensboro Road Project, Meetings

Zoning Process Update

In total, the dedicated all-volunteer Zoning Board spent nearly 20 hours over 6 months considering our case. And this does not even take into account the amount of work that they do behind the scenes studying and writing reports! They made a decision against our proposal and subsequently we filed a motion for rehearing our case.

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Greensboro Road Project, Meetings

Meetings, Yellow House

We are fixing up the yellow house (currently unoccupied) on the Greensboro Road property to house interns! It’s exciting to see some ongoing use of the property while we are still in the midst of the long series of meetings related to zoning and permitting to obtain permission to build a church.

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Greensboro Road Project, Meetings

December Congregational Meeting Review

On Monday, we had another great congregational meeting.  Many thanks to all who attended, asked questions, and gave input! At the close of this fall informational meeting series, our hope is that you’ve had the opportunity to hear comprehensively on the context, vision and planning process for this proposed building project. To those of you who were unable to attend, please feel free to contact any Elder or Building Committee member to hear more and share your thoughts and questions. Our doors are always open!!!

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